You knew that scrap the other day during the Carolina Panthers training camp session between Jeff Otah and Tyler Brayton wouldn’t be the last scuffle. Shoot, that was just the under card. In this case, the heavyweights fought first leading up to…
Ding!!! Ding!!!! Let’s get ready to rumble!!!!!!!
This is real! This ain’t no one-horse rodeo, cowboy! It ain’t the WWE. It ain’t even the Rumble in the Jungle! This is…
The Struggle in the ‘Burg!!!
Steve “Gator Arms” Smith Vs. Ken “Body Slam” Lucas!!!
Gentlemen, we’re scheduled for one round of fisticuffs! At the sound of the bell, rip off your helmets, and come out of your stances fighting!
Trainers, especially you, Mr. Beason, be prepared to restrain your fighter in the event that he is kicking the crap out his opponent.
Now…Let’s get it on!!!!
Click on “Continue Reading” to see the results! Ready??
The players as they lay on the ground in a heap. Not pretty. Where is Don King when you need him?
Jon Beason restrains Steve Smith. This ain’t a picture of brotherly love, I assure you.
It’s all over now. Cooler heads have prevailed. Steve goes over to talk to Lucas who has himself a wounded eye.