Cat Crave Radio has returned with Episode 64 Cat Crave Radio has returned with Episode 64

CCR 64: Special Guest – Jason Cole


Cat Crave Radio has returned with Episode 64.  We’re a day late, we know.  Sorry for the delay.  Summer school is still underway and with something to talk about and activity going on at the HQ of the Carolina Panthers things are picking up.

This week, our special guest is Jason Cole of Yahoo Sports.  Jason has been around the game for quite a while.  We picked his brain as much as possible to get his take on the NFL and our Panthers.  It’s an interesting conversation.

Nick Yeoman is still unable to join us due to system problems.  Be sure to check out his video blogs on You Tube.  He’s listed at BigNick2700.

Our Rant Or Rave segment this week deals with the economy.  Roger Goodell, are you listening?

And don’t miss the latest Adam Schein material.  This is more than just bulletin board stuff.  I swear, I think he’s been subjected to a slow gas leak.

It’s all in the latest episode.  Check it out and feel free to comment below.


Episode Sixty-Four: June 3, 2009

In Episode Sixty-Four…

  • News
  • Rant Or Rave
  • Panther Profile – Ricky Manning, Jr.
  • Special Guest – Jason Cole (Yahoo! Sports)
  • Adam Schein Strikes Again!

For a complete archive of our shows visit our Archive Page.