NFL Division Championship is Here!

Things didn’t go quite as hoped for the NFC South. The division was ousted quite handily in the first-round. I also don’t think the schedule makers did our division any favors, by pitting the South up against the NFC North with the mass belief from Vikings fans that the refs or the Saints’ defense or any number of excuses caused Brett Favre to throw another duck  and can Super hopes for Minnesota.

Revenge was out for the division, thanks in part — through no fault of their own — that New Orleans shares the division.

Anyway, we’re here, and at least one thing we can do, is vote for the AFC West in hopes of throwing the NFC North out of the final game — the NFL Division Championship game!

So do what you know is the right thing to do: Pull for Philip Rivers and — how in the world the AFC West managed to stay in this late is beyond me — VOTE!

I’ve already cast my vote, and if you just read the previous paragraph, you’ll get a good idea of which side I voted for.


Championship:AFC West vs. NFC North

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