I was reading some of Darin Gantt’s notes from Friday’s practice, and of all the things mentioned, the one that particularly stood out was how Matt Moore was looking like the best out of the four quarterbacks.
Of course, that goes without saying that at this stage of training camp, everyone should expect Moore to look the most polished among his competition. That doesn’t mean rookies Jimmy Clausen or Tony Pike won’t improve or even surpass Moore, but at this time, Moore is and should be the best option among his counterparts.
Up until this point, I’ve been somewhat down on Gantt’s (and other media-types’) long-lasting opinion of Moore being the odd man out by or about Week Five of the regular season, being supplanted by rookie QB Clausen. Gantt’s observation and opinion definitely yook me by surprise.
"4:25 p.m.: If you took the names off the QB jerseys and watched these four, you’d pick Matt Moore, 10-out-of-10 times. –Darin Gantt, Charlotte Observer"
Of all the live updates posted by Gantt on Friday, that was the one that stood out the most. Not to say that Gantt’s opinion of Moore has changed from what it was — is — but I do respect the man (as I always have) for being fair and reporting exactly what he saw, and exactly what he felt.
Nonetheless, given Moore’s experience; given the fact that the team — offense especially — is behind this guy 100%, Moore will be given a long leash…longer than some may expect.
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