Carolina Panthers Announce 2010 Team Captains

The Captain’s Patch. A symbol worn by individuals on a team who have been voted into the position by their teammates. It’s both a symbol of respect and leadership. They’re the ones teammates look to as an example of respect and hard work.

Over the weekend, I noticed many Panthers fans wanting to know three things: final roster cuts, practice squad roster, and who the team captains would be for 2010? Okay, and a fourth (though not as commonly inquired); was an injury list available yet for this week’s game at the New York Giants?

I don’t have an answer for the last question, though if it’s not available yet, I’m sure it will be before the game begins on Sunday.

So we know the final roster cuts for a couple of days now, as well as the practice squad roster. Which leaves us with one final pertinent question before the regular season kicks off. Who are this year’s team captains?

  • Linebacker Jon Beason

  • Defensive end Tyler Brayton

  • Offensive tackle Jordan Gross

  • Wide receiver Steve Smith

  • Placekicker John Kasay

And that’s it! On a side note of personal opinion, I’m pleased to see Smitty voted in as a team captain, once again. Also, Brayton has returned from injury.

Follow Cat Crave on Twitter @THECatCrave.
