Latest Blog Postings From Your Carolina Panthers

I’ve fallen a little behind on this aspect, but in a way it’s a good thing, as it’ll give you more to check out with what’s been said on a few players of the Carolina Panthers blogs. If you aren’t familiar already, Jon Beason, Matt Moore, and Marcus Hudson have blogs. They’ve recently updated them — Moore’s having been updated for about a week now; with all the excitement from the last pre-season game and final cuts/practice squad roster listings, I had lost track. Until today, that is.

We’ll start out with an excerpt from Matt Moore’s latest entry, “An Interesting Preseason.”

"It’s been an interesting preseason, now we’re just looking forward to getting to the regular season. We’ve been trying some things on offense and waiting for some key players to get healthy, so we’re looking forward to putting the preseason behind us and getting to the games that count, when we have all our guys in there and can get rolling.The preseason is just that, the preseason. Everybody has been talking and writing things like it’s December, and it’s still August. Do we have things to improve on? Absolutely. But at this point we’re still 0-0 and looking forward to a good showing in Week 1. –Panthers QB, Matt Moore"

Moving on to “Beaston’s” latest entry, Panthers MLB Jon Beason opens up his most recent entry stating, “I’m happy that the next time I shoot my gun it will be for real. What we call using live bullets.”

I can’t wait, either! Four days to go, and Beason will be hawking the New York Giants’ offense.

A quick overview of  Beason’s entry tells us that the defense is ready to crack some heads and the Panthers offense will be alright — telling us something we already know too much, that THE “Steve Smith is definitely pound-for-pound one of the best players in the league.”

Check it out!

Finally, the latest edition of special teams Ace Marcus Hudson is up. On a side note, he really needs to get his page changed from those gaudy 49ers colors to Panthers black, blue, and silver.

Getting past the colors, his is an intriguing post, as well. An excerpt from Hudson’s blog:

"Special teams ace is a role I’m honored to play and I’m going to take it on full force.The Panthers have a special teams honor called Top Gun. You get points for every play you’re in on special teams and bonus points for every time you make a tackle, force a fumble or make a nice play. You might get 2 or 3 extra points for a tackle. You can also get points taken away, though. My goal is to get Top Gun every week. We have a little competition going on right now, me and Jordan Senn, Gary Barnidge and Charly Martin. Wallace Wright would have been in the running, too. –Panthers safety, Marcus Hudson"

So give that a read, too!

Finally, you can follow Cat Crave on Twitter, @THECatCrave. We’ve received some new followers recently, and so long as you’re not a business tweeting 80,000 things a day, we will follow you back.
