Is Anyone on ‘Suicide Watch’ Following Panthers Loss to New Jersey Giants?

Rivalries … even those against non-division opponents are always fun. Can’t win ’em all of course, but now the Giants and Panthers are tied at 3-3 in regular season contests. Carolina still leads the race, when counting their sole win over the Giants in post-season play, however. It’s all history of course, but a good, friendly rivalry is always a healthy one.

A couple of days following the loss that was in the Meadowlands, I received a pingback that Cat Crave had a linkback to it, and I saw it was from Fansided’s G-Men HQ site.

I had a chuckle though, as Cat Crave was featured, emblazoned in bold typeface, big letters, and Cat Crave was in blue for the linkback. In my three years of blogging, I’ve never had my article nor my site held in such high-regard as to feature it in the opening sentence of an article. I am flattered, to say the least.

Andrew Ilnicki, lead blogger of the Giants for “G-HQ”, makes some great points however, in his piece titled, “It’s Not How You Start, but How You Finish.” Which has a great double-meaning to it.

The Panthers started out the first half, keeping up with the Giants, and making for a fairly exciting game (turnovers aside). But with the strong start made by both teams, the Giants remained resilient, and that “bend but don’t break” defense of theirs, did just that. The Giants’ defense was like an Oak.

However the other meaning behind this can also be taken literally, which is that teams have gone 0-2 to start the season, but were able to turn their losing ways around and make strengths from their opponents weaknesses.

Goliath was unable to defeat David, even though David was small. But David took advantage of Goliath’s ego, which was twice as big as his hulking self, and killed him with a pebble.

I said this a year ago, and while I feel like a broken record, it is only the first game of the season. Divisions aren’t won in September. The Giants’ win is only it’s first. They too have 15 more games to play, where anything from the probable to the most improbable can happen. Same goes for every team in the League. Who would have imagined that the Indianapolis Colts would lose to the Houston Texans?! I didn’t. In fact, I picked the Colts to win, just because they have Peyton Manning. That was smart.

So, if any of you are on the “ledge,” back away. It’s not worth jumping. Because as soon as you do, and the team starts winning, you’re going to look like an ass, and I’ll be laughing at you.

Follow Cat Crave on Twitter @THECatCrave.
