Tweets, Facebook, social media.. oh my


You know after about four classes at school about social media, its importance and where it is going to take us in the future,  I swear I still am not convinced anyone knows whether it works and what its benefits are. But nevertheless, just like the rest of the world we have created our own little pages/accounts what-have you.

Our twitter account is @CatCraveBlog.

First off, I can guarantee you won’t have to hear about my day, how I burned my dinner or what I am doing tonight. Instead,  we will post all of our articles, update you with breaking information and just chat with however wants to talk about the Panthers, the NFL or really anything.

Also, we have created a Facebook page. It is brand new so bare with us as we are putting more and more stuff on there but if you want to  ‘like’ us and all that good stuff we would sure appreciate it.

Both Facebook and Twitter give us a great way to get important information out about the Panthers at a unbelievably fast rate, even if it is only 140 characters. Instead of sitting down and typing up a blog entry, we can post a little snippet of info and give you all the important stuff as fast as possible.

I know this is more maintenance and upkeep stuff but bare with us just a few more days as we are getting situated and ready to start churning out some content.