The world of sports cannot get a break this week. Sadly, Joe Paterno passed away today, he died from lung cancer. We lost another legend, and while all the scandal has blurred the image of JoePa, his legacy will never be tainted. Now the first link I’m posting is a great telling of his legacy, and the video included is a must watch. While this post will just be links, I plan on having a feature length article on Joe Paterno, and his legacy, posted later today.
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The 409 victories, while record-setting, are not the full measure of the man. The young men he left behind, the campus to which he devoted his life, a campus whose leaders shoved him aside in the panicky, feverish days after the scandal broke, also give testimony to the life of Joseph Vincent Paterno.
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The facts suggest the Carolina Panthers will look for help on defense at the top of April’s NFL draft.
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