Cam Newton must be sick to death of the media talking about his Super Bowl press conference. We are nauseated enough as it is.
Some people just never know when to quit.
Many of them talk about sports for a living.
It seems like no matter what Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton does, he’s going to be shadowed by his Super Bowl 50 pres conference for the rest of his life.
Case in point: yesterday human windbag Colin Cowherd went out of his way to scold the NFL’s MVP, saying that he could learn a thing or two from the University of North Carolina basketball team that just lost the NCAA championship in heartbreaking fashion to Villanova.
Watch the clip and try not to vomit:
Cam Newton could learn how to handle defeat from Marcus Paige & UNC. #HerdHere
— Herd w/Colin Cowherd (@TheHerd) April 5, 2016
The level of smug here is unusually high, even for an epic gasbag like Cowherd.
I used to wonder why so many people harbor an irrational hatred for professional sportswriters. Then every week someone like Skip Bayless or Colin Cowherd are happy to remind me.

What exactly has Cowherd done with his career that qualifies him to take such an incredibly pretentious view of how Cam Newton handles himself with the media? Meanwhile, Aaron Rodgers turns into a sulking brat every time the Packers lose a close game, but he gets a free pass from the press. Why?
The thing that’s most aggravating about this is it’s a tired trope that we hear every single spring. You can hear the same sentiment at your favorite watering hole every March from a guy who has been grinding an ass-groove into the same barstool for 25 years. It goes something like this:
“Wow, look at how these college players hustle. They’re not like those spoiled punks in the NBA, who only care about cashing their paychecks. They don’t even try hard until the last two minutes. Hey, can I have another Bud Light Limearita? YOLO!”
It’s a lazy, ignorant view of amateur vs. pro sports at best, and thinly veiled racism at worst.
Next: Cam Newton's top ten games
When guys like Cowherd stop treating the grown men who play in the NFL and the NBA like children the world will be a much better place.