If you believe everything you hear about the Carolina Panthers it’ll drive you crazy.
The personnel decisions made over the past few weeks have all been justifiable; the Carolina Panthers haven’t just been releasing people without thinking about the consequences. They know the fan base is losing interest and that the team needs to be very special this year or else things may become really bad for business.
However, it seems like there are some folks that believe the Panthers have lost their sense of direction and will do whatever it takes to delay their plan for success. Does this fit the bill for what Carolina has been doing?
With a free agency frenzy on the horizon and the draft process well underway the media has all the room in the world to make any possible speculation make sense. They want to make us forget that no one really knows what’s going on besides the people in the front offices and they do it because it works.
With that said, we need to remember that a lot of moves have yet to be made. The pundits may have the advantage now, but let’s think about why we need to give this whole situation some more time.