4 things Cam Newton must do to secure a contract extension for 2022

(Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images) Cam Newton
(Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images) Cam Newton /
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Cam Newton
(Rob Schumacher-Arizona Republic via IMAGN Content Services) Cam Newton /

Cam Newton must provide leadership

This is already more than evident where Cam Newton is concerned. The signal-caller might have only played 10 snaps during the team’s outstanding win at the Arizona Cardinals, but he was seen multiple times talking to teammates and leading huddles to motivate those around him to unlikely success.

Much has been made of Newton’s personality and whether his leadership skills are where they need to be. Criticism that is completely unwarranted.

While analysts and fans – mostly with some sort of agenda – point the finger at Newton in this regard, the same cannot be said of those who’ve played with or coached the former Auburn standout.

The Carolina Panthers still boast a relatively young group despite some key veteran pieces arriving before or during the campaign. Everyone – no matter their experience – will be looking to Newton for leadership, energy, and advice in the coming weeks.

This is something the quarterback can provide. Newton might have the biggest of personalities, but this is matched by a caring, approachable manner that people naturally gravitate towards.

Some narratives surrounding Newton are undeserved, to put it mildly. And make no mistake, having him in the locker room is going to be the biggest of assets for Carolina to utilize in the coming weeks.