5 Carolina Panthers who could get cut without playing a snap in 2024

These Carolina Panthers players could be in for a short stay.
Rashaad Penny
Rashaad Penny / Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
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Nick Scott - Carolina Panthers S

The Carolina Panthers defense looks entirely different from the one that performed well in difficult circumstances last season. Dan Morgan opted to transition investment to the offensive side of the football as the franchise looks to get a true evaluation of quarterback Bryce Young in 2024. That means Ejiro Evero will once again have to do more with less.

Evero turned to plenty of players he's worked with previously to ensure complications are kept to a minimum. This means the new acquisitions should integrate smoothly thanks to their knowledge of schematic concepts, but the need to hit the ground running is the only way this unit is going to hold its own when the regular season arrives.

After releasing Vonn Bell and losing Jeremy Chinn to the Washington Commanders in free agency, the Panthers needed safety help to put alongside productive veteran Xavier Woods. Securing the services of Jordan Fuller should help greatly, but the jury is still out on Nick Scott's chances of making a go of things in a different environment.

Scott is someone Evero trusts, which brings a level of confidence. That said, his production with the Cincinnati Bengals last season was poor. There are no guarantees whatsoever regarding his roster status with other safeties chomping at the bit for more involvement.

The likes of Jammie Robinson, Sam Franklin Jr., Alex Cook, and undrafted free agent Demani Richardson will be looking to force their way up the depth chart at Scott's expense. This is a challenge the veteran must be ready for before Morgan, Evero, and Dave Canales finalize their initial 53-man roster before Week 1.

This could be the last chance saloon for Scott after how things unfolded last season. Evero still believes in the defensive back, but a situation could also emerge where the player cannot impress enough to get the nod over younger alternatives.
