5 pressing priorities for Carolina Panthers GM Dan Morgan in 2024

The new front-office leader has a lot on his plate...

Dan Morgan
Dan Morgan | Grant Halverson-USA TODAY Sports
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Assessing the Carolina Panthers roster

Coming off a two-win season that descended into complete chaos, the Carolina Panthers have a significant amount of hard work ahead when it comes to their roster this offseason. Dan Morgan's been complicit in the failings if nothing else, but he'll have a good sense of what more might be needed after one of the worst seasons in franchise history.

Or so we hope.

The Panthers - and David Tepper in particular - are placing a lot of faith in Morgan to steer this ship around. He's a respected evaluator in league circles. He was an exceptional player before embarking on his front-office journey. Things haven't gone well during his three seasons in Carolina, but there are some successful experiences to call upon with the Seattle Seahawks and Buffalo Bills.

Almost every position group is in dire need of upgrades. This bears more significance on the offensive side of the football, but the injury complications exposed the Panthers' lack of depth in the worst way imaginable throughout the campaign.

Morgan's plan for progress sat well with Tepper. It's not the same case among the fanbase, who've grown tired of false promises and internal promotions when they remain among the league's bottom feeders.

Actions will speak far louder than words. Assessing the current roster is just a small - yet pressing - piece of the puzzle.
